Monday, October 3, 2011


SO hard to overcome. it's fall and i have to fight my body's desire to pad up for the cold winter months.

but i LIKE to look in the mirror and see more definition. if only other people in my life would notice. *sigh*

i would be a lot more motivated with an involved partner. pity party.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


slowly but surely... down to 264 yesterday, maintained today! squee!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

18 months later...

I have gone back to school. The baby HAS started sleeping through the night. I have been to the exercise room more than once. And I have lost maybe 15-20 pounds (no record of where I was when I started, lol!). Low weight today: 265! (I do have a record of BEING 285, eek! which is what motivated me to get off my ass and get moving.)

I also cleared cookies and lost my passwords. Finally google made it easier to figure out WHY I couldn't find my way back in and here I am. At a new computer, yet!

Any followers, feel free to refresh! Because while I love Facebook, I love blogging more. Today at least. :D

Saturday, February 6, 2010


The single biggest excuse for not exercising, planning one's diet, and sticking to it:

I'm Too Overwhelmed

Life gives us a butt-load of crap EVERY DAY. You can cope with it or not, but it will be easier when you're fitter.

The goal isn't, after all, JUST to get sexy. It's to be healthier to cope with every day's bushel basket full of excrement.

it's time to put on the big-girl panties and deal with it - in hopes of acquires LITTLE big-girl panties before too long!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

today's excuse

There are as many excuses for why we are still fat as there are days in the year. I plan to collect them and refute them and reinforce my commitment to be thin again: For health, for self-confidence, and let's face it, to bring SEXY back!

I'll start getting up an hour earlier to exercise when:
1. The baby starts sleeping through the night again.
2. I get over this cold.
3. I'm not mad at the DH.

Take your pick, one of the three applies MOST of the time. WE CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS. I'm not living for DH or the baby (though most of the time it does seem like it); I'm living for ME, and _I_ need to be healthier. So I'm recommitting to getting up and exercising. I'm setting my alarm NOW, and I'm going to bed earlier.

Friday, January 29, 2010


i'm not former yet. surprise!

there is a kinship among the overweight in our society. we all know what it feels like to be sneered at, get the knowing glances when we order the large fries, the in-laws who ask questions. it hurts. and believe it or not - we ALL know we are overweight. not a surprise. don't need y'all mentioning it.

this is a diary for my journey. because even if i have to have gastric bypass, i'm not quitting this time until i LOSE!